How to Stop Your Dog or Puppy from Chewing: FAQs


Why do dogs chew? Is this a natural habit or out of boredom?

Chewing is a natural instinct for all dogs. As a puppy they begin to explore the world with their mouth through a behavior called “teething” at around 3 to 6 months. In this time, it is crucial to offer different toys, bones, and treats for your puppy. If (destructive) chewing begins after 12 to 18 months, it is then most likely due to boredom. Dogs carry a lot of energy in their jaws, and it is important for them to release this energy to keep their jaws strong and teeth clean.

dog chewing the couch out of boredom


What are some tips for getting your dog to stop chewing?

The number one tip I give my clients is to give them something they are allowed to chew! If this is your first time dealing with a chewing issue, be sure to get different items for your dog to sample. Rope toys, rubber toys, raw hide bones, and chews are a great place to start in order to see figure out what they like. From there, you can add things like peanut butter or treat dispensing toys to make chewing even more satisfying for your dog! Remember; don’t try to fight the chewing, instead give them an outlet to be able to release that energy in their jaw!

giving a dog a toy to chew on helps stop bad behavior


Is it possible to help a dog break a chewing habit? Can I take some time?

Absolutely. As mentioned before, puppies go through a chewing phase from 3 to 6 months, and it can last all the way up until 8 months. If your puppy begins to chew in this time frame, it is most likely due to them wanting to explore with their new adult teeth growing in. Give them different items to chew and monitor the chewing to make sure it does not become destructive. If they begin to chew items they should not be, correct them by saying “Leave it!” and when they release or drop the item, positively reinforce them by saying “Yes, good boy/girl!”.

If it occurs after this time frame, give them different toy/treats to chew and monitor the behavior. If they begin to be destructive, it may be due to unreleased energy. Try taking them for a 30-minute walk to tire them out and give them something to stimulate them. If the chewing continues, be sure to use the “Leave it” command often, and consider spraying some bitter spray to discourage chewing.

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